1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

The Genoa Public Library is pleased to offer an easy, fun and free program that puts children on the path to success. And yes, you can read 1,000 books. If you read just three books a day, you’ll reach your goal within one year. But even if you read just one book per day, you’ll reach the goal of 1,000 books in three years. The concept is simple, but the rewards are priceless!
Research shows that sharing books, conversations and songs with young children builds language skills. This type of sharing contributes to children’s healthy development, provides skills to succeed in school and helps assure that they will learn to love reading.
So, how do you get started?
Visit the library to register and pick up a log book. Any time your child reads a book – or you read a book to them – mark it on the paper log. We encourage reading the same book several times – and each reading of the book counts. When you have read 200, 400, 600, and 800 books, bring your reading log in for a prize. Once you have read 1,000 books, bring your completed log book in a final time to get your 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten certificate!
Tips for Success
Keep books throughout the home, the car, or the diaper bag.
- By creating a book-rich environment, children will have easy access and more opportunities to read or listen to books.
Talk about the pictures in the book.
- When you’re done reading the text, you can also talk about the colors, shapes and action in the pictures or photos
Attend a storytime at your library
- Anyone can read to a child. Check out the story time schedule at the library.
- Who can participate in this program? Any child from birth until they enter kindergarten can participate.
- How long will the program take? The program will take anywhere from a few months to a few years. The program is self-paced and will depend on how often you read together.
- How many of my children can participate? All of them, if they haven't started Kindergarten!
- Do I need to have a library card? Nope! Anyone can sign-up.
Have more questions or want to sign-up? Call 815-784-2627 or stop in the Library!