Get a Library Card
Residents and Property Owners Within the Genoa Public Library District
The Genoa Public Library District currently serves a population of 5,263. The library district shares the same physical boundaries as the City of Genoa.
Since the Genoa Public Library District is a tax-supported Library District, residents within the District are eligible for library cards permitting full use of the library. A Genoa Public Library card can be obtained upon display of a valid government-issued photo identification card and proof of current address within the Genoa Public Library District. Genoa Public Library resident library cards expire after three years and must be renewed with presentation of identification and proof of current address.

Individuals and commercial property owners who do not reside within the Genoa Public Library District, but own property within the Genoa Public Library District, may obtain a library card. Only one card will be issued for each parcel of property. A current tax bill and proof of ownership must be provided to obtain a non-resident property owner library card. Genoa Public Library non-resident property owner library cards will be issued for one year.
Library cards will be issued to persons 3 years of age and older. The parent/legal guardian must present a picture ID and proof of current address. The parent/legal guardian will be responsible for any material checked out on the child’s card, and assume full responsibility for the return, damage, fees or fines for materials loaned under this policy.
A Genoa Public Library card can be obtained by a business or organization, profit or nonprofit, upon proof of business or organizational ownership or rental (i.e. the most current tax bill, a rental or lease agreement, professional license, business card, etc.). Only one card will be issued per business or organization. An owner, partner, principal stockholder, joint owner, or a senior administrative officer of the business or organization must apply for the library card. The business or organization is responsible for any fines and fees associated with, or damage done to library materials checked out with its card. A business or organization card will be issued for three years.
Illinois state law allows libraries to offer library cards to persons who do not reside in the library district’s boundaries or own taxable property within the library district’s boundaries. Purchased card-holders are entitled to the same services as taxed card-holders.
The cost of library service for properties outside the boundaries of the Genoa Public Library District is determined by the net assessed value of the property multiplied by the current tax rate for library service on properties located within the boundaries of the Genoa Public Library District. The annual cost to purchase non-resident library services is calculated based on all taxable parcels included in the property owner’s principal residence. The most recent tax bill must be provided at the time of application and at the time of each annual renewal for this cost to be determined.
This annual fee provides library service to all individuals who are at least three years old and for whom this is their principal residence. Cards are issued to each individual meeting that criteria. Those who are at least 18 years of age must make application for their individual card in person and must present a photo ID and proof of current address.
Illinois State law provides that the annual fee for non-resident renters is 15% of the renter’s monthly rent. For verification purposes, the renter shall provide to the library a state photo ID along with a copy of the lease or canceled rent check proving current residency.
Tax-Exempt Non-Residents
Fee is calculated using the General Mathematical formula. This is the most efficient and fair way to assess the fee. Here is our calculation: $299,266/5,263 = $56.86 per capita x 2.59 average residents per household which equals $147.27 for the cost of an annual household card.
Disabled Veterans Exemption
The non-resident fee shall not apply to veterans with a service-connected disability of at least 70% who are exempt from paying property taxes on their primary residence; the unmarried surviving spouse of a veteran who qualified for this exemption prior to death; or the unmarried surviving spouse of a service member killed in the line of duty.
Qualifying veterans or surviving spouses must present documentation from DeKalb County that indicates their residence is exempt from paying property taxes or provide documentation of at least 70% disability from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs if they do not own their principal residence before library cards will be issued.
Non-resident cards are issued for one year and must be paid in full at the time of purchase. Additional cards for family members in the same residence may be obtained at no additional charge. Family members over the age of 18 must be present with a photo ID and proof of current address.
Non-Residents Special Exceptions
Cards for Kids Act
Effective June 5, 2020 per 75 ILCS 16/30-55.60 the non-resident fee shall not apply to “a non-resident in an unincorporated area in Illinois who is a student whose household falls at or below the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Income Eligibility Guidelines”. Under this Act library cards will only be issued to students who meet the definition as stated below.
“Student”, for purposes of this Act, means an individual whose principal residence is not within a public library service area and who is currently enrolled in a public or private school (Pre-K - 12) or who is a homeschool student who is 18 or under and has not graduated from high school.
The non-resident fee shall not be charged to non-resident pre-school (ages 3-5) through 12th grade students whose household income makes them eligible to receive free or reduced-price lunches under the National School Lunch Program and the National School Breakfast Program, as determined by Income Eligibility Guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). A qualifying student must present to the library documentation from the school or school district that indicates the student’s eligibility for free or reduced-price meals in order to obtain a library card. Library cards issued Under the Cards for Kids Act will expire July 15 of each year and can only be renewed with updated documentation from the school or school district every year after July 1.
The parent/legal guardian of the student will be responsible for any material checked out on the child’s card, and assume full responsibility for the return, damage, fees or fines for materials loaned under this policy.
Reciprocal Borrowers
The library extends reciprocal services to persons with a valid current Illinois library card. A current library card in good standing and a valid identification with the person’s address must be presented to obtain reciprocal borrowing privileges. Patrons within the PrairieCat Consortium are already in the database and do not need to register individually at each PrairieCat library. The library reserves the right to limit services.
Library Card Use
Any cardholder, regardless of age, may borrow any circulating item in the library’s collection. Patrons are required to present their physical or digital library card or photo ID when borrowing materials. Patrons may continue to check out as long as their account balance remains below $10.00.
Use of a library card is transferable among members of the same household for borrowing privileges except when the individual presenting another household member’s card has outstanding fines on their own card.
It is the responsibility of the cardholder or the parent or legal guardian of a cardholder age 17 and under to notify the library of any change of address, email address, or telephone number.